Sunday, May 17, 2020

Income Distribution And Distribution Income System

QUESTION 1 a) 1. Equality income distribution may make workers and producers lose motivation to work and reduced efficiency. Because when workers and producers get correspondence pay, they care a lot about workload more than salary. It implies the less work for them rather than the more ideal. 2. The equality income distribution system can shrunken the wealth gap. It improve the quality of life for most people so that the system become more stable 3. Employment rate can be increased by the Even distribution income systems. Because people can get stable salary by working. Salary will not change. 4. Equality distribution income system would make the percentage of poor people in population decrease steadily. And it also improves health standards and housing conditions. 5. Balanced income distribution system would reduce the market competitiveness of the market and lack of investment, thereby it inhibited economic development. 6. Fair income distribution may promote import and export trade economic. Because it improves the level of per capita consumption. Although the competition which is in the domestic market might be suppressed, but there could be a steady rise in the international market. 7. Good effects in even income distribution pattern would help stimulate and sustain economic growth in the short run and would provide stronger incentives for investment, innovation and job creation in the long run. 8. Equality distribution income would pursue unification of theShow MoreRelatedJohn Stuart Mill And Income Inequality1721 Words   |  7 PagesMill and Income Inequality Many great economic thinkers throughout history has offered various differing yet interrelated views and ideas that may prove useful to the analysis of current issues in modern economics. A persistent issue in the modern economy is income inequality whereby the distribution of income among the population is unequal. 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